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Net Promoter Score

A powerful measuring instrument for customer loyalty. 


With NPS, it becomes easier to measure customer loyalty

Develop your organization with continuous feedback. NPS is one of the best indicators of customer loyalty used by companies around the world to map, analyze and improve the customer journey.

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How does NPS work?

The tool is basically an instrument that measures the customer's willingness to recommend a company's products or services to others on a scale between 0 and 10. NPS is used to measure customers' overall satisfaction with a company's product or service and customer's loyalty to the brand with a single question. :

"How likely are you to recommend this company to a friend or colleague?"

By asking the question: "How likely is it that you would like to recommend our company to others?", The respondent will rate their answer. Which can then be classified into three categories (the critic, the passive and the ambassador).


The key figure is then calculated by taking the proportion of Ambassadors / promoters minus the proportion of Critics / detractors.  

NPS = share of "Ambassadors" (%) share of "Critics" (%). 

With NPS, it becomes easier to measure customer loyalty

Develop your organization with continuous feedback. NPS is one of the best indicators of customer loyalty used by companies around the world to map, analyze and improve the customer journey.

Optimize your NPS flow

Integrate & automate

Automate mailings according to your workflows. Segment and simplify.

Send out via SMS, Newsletter and email

Embed in newsletters, send SMS and distribute by email. 

Real time results

Follow the results in real time and improve the work immediately. 

Word Clouds & Dashboards

With automatic word clouds, it is easy to clearly follow free text questions.

Do you want to know more about our solutions?

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