Welcome to the survey platform of the future
World-class technology
Support you can always rely on
Security of the highest standard
esMaker is an innovative, market-leading and Swedish -developed survey and analytics platform that makes it easy to create surveys and collect feedback in real-time!
In addition, all data storage takes place in Sweden.



...or use drag and drop


Experience the market's most powerful analysis
New! Free text analysis with AI
Analyze with AI

Region Örebro
esMaker is a fantastic survey tool, which is constantly renewing and improving its range. Very good support that responds quickly or is available in the chat immediately. I have worked with your survey tool for many years and have never been anything but very satisfied. Thank you!

A healthy generation
Entergate is solution-oriented and their support is world-class.
The esMaker tool is also very easy to use in practice.

Ulricehamn Municipality
esMaker has transformed survey management in Ulricehamn Municipality, where its AI functions streamline processes and save time and resources for the municipality while ensuring data integrity. The best thing is the support that is alert and responds quickly and relevantly.

Public sector?
You are in good company.
12 +
We work with the best.

Upplev marknadens kraftfullaste enkätplattform

Book a meeting with us to see the possibilities with our tool!
Moa Mansson
Customer Relations Manager

Boka en demo och upptäck hur esMaker kan förbättra, förenkla och automatisera din feedback- och dataanalysprocess.
✔️ En kostnadsfri genomgång av esMakers funktioner – ingen bindning, bara insikter om marknadens ledande enkätverktyg.
✔️ Skräddarsydda strategier – vi visar hur esMaker kan lösa dina unika utmaningar och effektivisera dina undersökningar.
✔️ Ett personligt testkonto – få tillgång till esMaker och testa verktyget själv efter mötet.
✔️ Svar på alla dina frågor – direkt från en produktspecialist med expertkunskap inom enkäter, analys och GDPR-säkerhet.
Choose a platform that grows with you

Always free support
We not only deliver customer service, we are your partner all the way. Our support is always available, unlimited for the entire organization. In addition, we are known for our support.

Unlimited use
A license, unlimited with users and use. Create your own users and administer authority and access. Everything is included in a license! It can actually be that simple.